How I Overcame My Cat Allergies (and Got 10 Cats)

Feb 21, 2023
Woman Sneezing from Cat Allergies

Living With MANY CATS Helped with My Allergies

Stop throwing away cats because of allergies!! 

Living with many cats can be a challenge if you have cat allergies, but there are ways to make it work. Here are some tips that have helped me live comfortably with my cat allergies. 

First, it’s important to understand what cat allergies are. Cat allergies are caused by a protein in cat saliva and skin called Fel d 1. When a cat licks its fur, it deposits this protein onto its coat. When you pet a cat, you can be exposed to the allergen. The proteins can also be airborne, so you may be allergic to a cat even if you don’t directly touch one.

Symptoms of cat allergies include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itching. Some people also experience asthma attacks or hives when they are around cats. If you have severe allergies, you may need to take allergy medication or see an allergist for treatment.

Reducing symptoms

Living with cat allergies can be a challenge, but there are ways to reduce the symptoms and overcome the allergy. Here are some tips that have helped me live comfortably with my cat allergies.

First, it’s important to understand what cat allergies are. Cat allergies are caused by a protein in cat saliva and skin called Fel d 1. When a cat licks its fur, it deposits this protein onto its coat. When you pet a cat, you can be exposed to the allergen. The proteins can also be airborne, so you may be allergic to a cat even if you don’t directly touch one.Symptoms of cat allergies include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itching. Some people also experience asthma attacks or hives when they are around cats. If you have severe allergies, you may need to take allergy medication or see an allergist for treatment.

There are several things you can do to reduce the symptoms of cat allergies. First, try to avoid contact with cats as much as possible. If you must be around cats, wash your hands and face afterwards. You may also want to shower and change your clothes to remove any allergens that you’ve been exposed to.

Another way to reduce the symptoms of cat allergies is to use an air purifier in your home. This will help to remove any allergens that are floating in the air. You may also want to keep your windows closed and use air conditioning to avoid outdoor allergens.

If you have severe allergies, you may need to take allergy medication or see an allergist for treatment. There are many different types of medication available, so talk to your doctor to find one that is right for you. With the proper treatment, you can live comfortably with cat allergies. 

Allergy shots

Allergy shots are a common form of treatment for people who suffer from allergies.

Allergy shots are injections of small amounts of allergens over time to help the body build immunity to them. This type of treatment is most often used for allergies to pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. Allergy shots can be administered in a doctor’s office or at home with an injection kit.

The benefits of allergy shots include reduced symptoms and less need for medication. However, there are some risks associated with allergy shots, including allergic reactions and infections. It is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of allergy shots before deciding if this is the right form of treatment for you. 

If you suffer from cat allergies, talk to your doctor about the possibility of allergy shots. With the proper treatment, you can live comfortably with cat allergies.

Myths about Cat Allergies 

There are many myths about cat allergies. Let’s debunk some of the most common ones. 


Myth #1: You can’t be allergic to cats if you don’t have a cat.

This is not true. You can be allergic to cats even if you don’t have one in your home. In fact, you may be more likely to be allergic to cats if you don’t have one, since you’re not exposed to them regularly. 

Myth #2: If you aren’t allergic to dogs, you won’t be allergic to cats.

This is also not true. You can be allergic to both dogs and cats, regardless of whether or not you are allergic to other animals.

Myth #3: Cat allergies are only caused by cat dander.

Cat allergies can also be caused by cat saliva and skin oils. These proteins are found in cat fur, so even if a cat doesn’t shed, you may still be allergic to it.

Myth #4: You will outgrow your cat allergies.

Most people do not outgrow their cat allergies. In fact, cat allergies are the most common type of allergy in adults.


Why you should overcome the cat allergies

There are many benefits to overcoming cat allergies. First, you will no longer have to worry about experiencing the symptoms of cat allergies. This includes sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itching. You will also be able to breathe easier and experience fewer asthma attacks. 

Second, you will no longer have to avoid contact with cats. This means that you can finally adopt a cat or visit a friend or family member who has cats without worrying about your allergies. 

Third, you will no longer have to use an air purifier to remove allergens from the air. This will help to reduce the overall cost of allergy treatment.

Fourth, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your need for allergy medication. Talk to your doctor to find out if this is an option for you. 

Cat allergy isn’t life threatening (for the most part)

Cat allergies are a common condition that can cause a range of symptoms, from sneezing to watery eyes. However, cat allergies are not a life-threatening thing and most people can live comfortably with them with the proper treatment.

After reading this article, you should now know that cat allergies can be overcome with the proper treatment. I overcame my cat allergies by using an air purifier to remove allergens from the air and by taking allergy shots. I now have 10 cats and am able to live comfortably with them. If you suffer from cat allergies, talk to your doctor about the possibility of allergy shots. With the proper treatment, you can also live comfortably with cat allergies.